
Fionna becomes part of the 2021/22 cohort of Sustainability Leadership Fellows!

Fionna will be part of the 2021/22 cohort of Sustainability Leadership Fellows! Through this fellowship, she will have the opportunity to learn from science journalists about how scientists can successfully communicate to the public. Fionna plans to go into a career focused on science communication; this opportunity will help her connect with and learn from …
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Paper published!

Sam published her first-author paper “Nanoconfinement Raises the Energy Barrier to Hydrogen Atom Exchange between Water and Glucose” in The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. In this paper, Sam discusses how she was able to determine the energy barrier of hydrogen exchange between glucose and water using reverse micelles and temperature regulated NMR. She found …
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Communication Published!

Fionna published a first-author communication titled “Non-Uniform Distribution of Cryoprotecting Agents in Rice Culture Cells Measured by CARS Microscopy” in the journal Plants on March 21, 2021! In the communication, Fionna demonstrates our ability to directly observe deuterated DMSO sequestering within organelles, rather than being uniformly distributed through the cells. This demonstrates that different organelles …
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Welcome to three new group members!

This year we are thrilled to welcome three new members into our group! Yayo decided to join our group as a graduate student this year! While COVID-19 has slightly hindered our ability to show him around town, he’s excited to get started on working with our laser system. Welcome Yayo! Stephanie is an undergraduate researcher …
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Fionna presents at CRYO2020

After successful submission of her abstract to the CRYO2020 conference, Fionna was invited to present her research as a  Peter L. Steponkus Crystal Award finalist. Although she did not win the award, she was able to give a wonderful 15 minute talk ( next to four of her peers. “It was a great experience!” says …
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Welcome Heidi Kreckel!

Heidi Kreckel is the newest Levinger Group Member. She comes to us from the east coast where she studied fluorescence at SUNY Potsdam. She’s excited to start her project on cryopreservation in insects. When Heidi is not in the lab, you can find her in the mountains. Welcome to the lab Heidi!

New Year, New Group Photo

To bring in the New Year, the Levinger group took a new group photo with our newest member Heidi Kreckel! (Photo Credit goes to the wonderful Lauren Brigandi) From left to right: Chris Gale, Kate Fieseler, Sam Miller, Dr. Nancy Levinger, Fionna Samuels, Heidi Kreckel